group classes.
a space for you to get to know you.

We are all works in process. Whether new or experienced, entering a yoga practice from first principles or fundamental elements (attention, action, patience, curiosity, discernment) deepens our capacity to meet ourselves honestly and to navigate body, mind, and life itself. We can continuously uncover where we move and where we fixate, where we allow and where we withhold, where we see clearly and where we may have blind spots. 

Class often begins with subtle movements that reveal our natural physical capacities as well as challenging areas. From these insights, we become empowered over time to curate ourselves through a deeply personal practice that supports balance and individual evolution. 



Tuesdays 17:30 - 18:45

Thurdsays 9:30 - 11:00

additional dates @ airyoga

April 23+30

Tuesdays 9:30 - 11:00

*I am away May 5-19 - there are subs scheduled for these times.

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A newsletter on movement and the elements of yoga