footsteps on the path
becoming into
Pause and settle yourself into the leg that holds you, the foot that molds over ground and stone and fallen tree.
When the exhale goes down, the earth rises up to embrace the heart of you. Sole, ribcage, soft palate..
letting go: the fruit of our grief
who we were.
voice of the heart.
I have been sharply reminded yet again in the last few days that this life is always in flux, never guaranteed. The only rule to count on is that everything will change and fall away eventually. With that truth in mind, I carry the preciousness of these transformative practices in my heart. I have been so fortunate to have a life that guided me into Yoga and am so appreciative to have had this much time to explore what Yoga really is and what it can offer us.
Regardless of where I land in my career and the transitions that have been set in motion, these precious practices will be carried along wherever I go and the heart of my dharma will remain steady; the voice of my heart crying ever clearer, triumphant from the mountaintop of a life well-studied, well-explored, well-lived.
a dialogue begins.
allowing grace in through the pain.
why do we control?
why do we ignore?
Begin Again.
I am so grateful for the practice and work of “living a conscious life”, as my friend calls it: